Getting Through January


January is a bizarre month, it comes with the excitement of the New Year and joy from time with family and friends over the holidays. However that being said it does also come with a certain pressure, so I wanted to use this space to give you some tips and tricks on how to make the most of the first month of the year without putting yourself under too much pressure! 

1. Go at your own pace 

Ignore the external pressures to all of a sudden be a fitness guru, the worlds healthiest eater and a billionaire. Whilst January is a great time to set goals and intentions for the year ahead it doesn't mean you set out to achieve them all in one go and the likelihood is, if you do try to you'll most likely give up within the first few weeks. January is also still the DEPTS of Winter, so if like me you're living on the northern hemisphere - this should be a time for slowing down after a busy holiday period and almost settling into hibernation. I personally like to see January as a time for active hibernation, I set the goals, I set the intentions, I make the vision boards so that when the spring time - bloom season arrives, I am ready to show the world what I came to do. 

2. Stay Social 

The run up to the holidays is an incredibly social time, surrounded by friends and family and come January it really comes to a halt whether that is due to pure exhaustion or the fact most of us spend January's money in December or a combination of both - the dark days and decrease of socialisation can make it a rather lonely month so be sure to round up your mates and either head for a hike or just sit in one of your living rooms and have a chat over a cup of coffee! You can still have fun for free! 

3. Get Outside 

Trust me, I know when it is wet and dark this feels like the last thing you want to do but you will be so grateful for that crispy air in your lungs once you just do! Winter sun, despite still being cold can also be so beautiful and the sunrises are later and the sunsets are earlier meaning you can catch them both in one day or even one outing without being exhausted unlike the long Summer days. 

4. Try a new hobby... 

I want to preface this one by saying be realistic because often I think with this one we get caught up in the new year, new me hustle and bustle and you convince yourself that by the end of January you'll have mastered the art of acrobatics and can finally run away to the circus. If you do - SLAY! But more what I mean is think about that thing you have always wanted to try, or the class you have always wanted to take or even going back to that thing you haven't done since you were a child that brings you joy and just DO IT! Whether it's rollerskating, pole dancing, knitting, learning an instrument or hoola hooping, start now and thank yourself later!

5. Cook Yourself Warm and nourishing meals

We've come out of a season of over indulgence now it is all about remaining in that state of hibernation with the warmth but upping the nutrients. Try out some new soups or curries and get creative with those cosy snacks. A personal favorite of mine this time of year is a noodle soup or traditional ramen! YUM! 

6. Reflect, Journal & Read 

These quieter times of the year, although they can feel depressing, are RARE! Make the most of this time to yourself. Reflect on the previous year, what you achieved or what you didn't and where you can improve. Journal every morning and find a flow with yourself. Read some new books and set an intention to read at least one a month even in the busier periods to remain grounded. 

To close this little bit of advice - my biggest tip would be to reframe January! Make it your own! I used to be someone who dreaaaaded January and easily fell into how doom and gloom it can be but when you lean into the slower, darker pace and make it suit you and your life, it actually ain't all that bad! AAAAND we are on the other side of the solstice, brighter days are coming my loves! 

Subtle Poison - January Tips

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